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Asia Pacific Regional Director


As the Global Teen Challenge Director for the Asia Pacific Region, Jim Lowans works with current Teen Challenge centers as well as assisting in the planning of new Teen Challenge centers in this part of the world. The Asia Pacific region includes Australia and all the island nations in the Pacific Ocean as well as the nations of Southeast Asia.

For the past several years Jim has been actively involved in helping to pioneer Teen Challenge in Cambodia, where they now have a men’s residential recovery program. In recent months Jim has also made trips to Vietnam and Thailand exploring opportunities to plant new Teen Challenge ministries in those countries.

Jim has been actively involved in Teen Challenge ministry in the USA since 1997, serving at the Teen Challenge Training Center in Rehrersburg, PA, then as Executive Director of the adolescent boys Teen Challenge in Factoryville, PA. He currently serves as the Executive Director of Teen Challenge in Neosho, Missouri. Jim will continue to lead the TC in Neosho in addition to serving as the GTC Regional Representative of Asia Pacific.

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